Calculation of structures
of buildings and works of art

We calculate reinforced concrete structures, prestressed concrete, mixed structures and steel and wood structures. The variety of studies carried out covers the following infrastructures:
- Industrial buildings, residential or office buildings, public buildings
- Residential houses
- Bridges and roads
- Linear infrastructure (pipelines, roads, highways, railways)
- Development of subdivisions
- Urban and rural roads

Project Management

In this field, we prepare for clients the full spectrum of studies in this field covering all the main stages forming the entire cycle of Project Management. From the initiation of the project, through the planning, execution, control and commissioning of the final product.
- Preliminary pre-feasibility studies,
- Feasibility studies,
- Detailed sizing studies with drawing up of plans, measurements and quotes
- Preparation of specifications and call for tenders (specifications and documentation) Technical verification and analysis of tenders. Assistance with the award of works contracts.
- Supervision and quality control throughout the duration of the project.
- Final report of the project and handing over of the keys.


Geotechnics is an essential and indispensable science for all construction projects. We do geotechnical studies of preliminary design, design, execution, monitoring and diagnosis and control. Cost-effective and pragmatic solutions to foundation problems are offered to clients on the following common questions:
- La sélection des matériaux appropriés des digues en terre, et en couches de fondation ou de base des structures des voies.
- L’étude physique de la géologie des sites en vue d’en établir des modèles géotechniques.
- Modélisation numérique des problèmes géotechniques par l’utilisation des logiciels spécialisés tel que : Flac, Repute…
- Fondation superficielles et semi profondes (semelles filantes, isolées massifs)
- Fondation profondes (calcul des pieux, et micropieux)
- Les murs de soutènement, talus
Mining geotechnics focused on the environment and the rules for managing mine tailings (storage in ponds or dikes, in heaps) or thickened tailings is one of the areas where our expertise is available to offer you its services. Important environmental issues in tailings management include:
- the choice and location of the site,
- the environmental impact of mining wastes.
- characterization and long-term behavior of waste materials.
- the different transport, distribution and distribution systems for mining residues
- The acid drainage problem
- Annual audits of mining residues (legal compliance with the texts in force)
- The closure of tailings disposal sites and their post-closure maintenance.


Expertise and Services of Mining Equipment, Pumps, Valves and Smartcerete, State-of-the-art technology in mining support and surface work using the technique of shot-tailing concrete.
Mining Equipment supply
Rock disintegration technology:
- Explosives and mining techniques
- Drilling equipment and consumables